Harness YOUR Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F)
Physical, nutritional, mental, spiritual, and sleep are the five areas of individual readiness. The Army has more resources than ever to help you address these focus areas. Let Army Leader Exchange (ALx) be your ONE- STOP SHOP for leader development content.
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Execute Today [Content You Can Use Immediately]
Streamline your ACFT prep with this comprehensive, mobile-friendly resource. The U.S. Army Combat Fitness Test website features content that demos proper techniques and safety tips.
Have your New Years fitness resolutions stalled out? No need to suffer alone, consult a coach at an Armed Forces Wellness Center near you today.
Sleep hygiene is simple but not easy. Use these tips to get better sleep.
Prepare For Tomorrow [Content to Improve Your Organization]
Customize your individual and unit performance using this free resource. Ready and Resilient Centers provide free education that you can schedule now.
Nutrition is the key to your performance. Learn to optimize food choices at dining facilities using the power plate approach.
Training a group of people for the ACFT requires leaders to get creative. MOPs n MOEs provides a case study about how one unit leveraged their unit H2F team to maximize results.
Learn Always: [Content to Help You Think]
FM 7-22, Holistic Health and Fitness is available on audio book. Now you can listen in the car, at the gym, or whenever fits into your schedule. Don’t miss the new section about sleep readiness.
Learn how one Soldier worked to max the ACFT. Gritty Soldier breaks down his approach in this 25-minute video.
Your health impacts more than you. Army Management Staff College podcast Leader Up dives into leader presence and how it influences organizational climate.
Get Involved: [Opportunities for YOU to Drive Change]
Fires Symposium 2024. The Fires Symposium is just around the corner, May 6-9. Register today! The symposium will offer speakers and panels from a joint and combined Fires perspective and breakout sessions to discuss branch intricacies.
Space: Enabling Multi-Domain Operations 2024 AUSA Symposium. Sign up today to attend the Space Symposium from May 30-31. This symposium will address the Army’s use of Space as an enabler for Multi- Domain Operations.