The ALX Bulletin June 2024

Leaders Learn from Experience & Set the Example


"To lead any way other than by example, we send a fuzzy picture of leadership to others. If we work on improving ourselves first and make that our primary mission, then others are more likely to follow."

-John C. Maxwell

The best leaders learn from reflecting upon experience and can use setbacks and failure to their advantage.

Insight around our strengths and weaknesses guides self-development leading to competence, confidence, and sound judgement.

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Execute Today [Content You Can Use Immediately]


Self-development empowers leaders with self-awareness to build trust, leverage their strengths, and make smarter decisions. The resource page of the Athena Leader Development Tool website offers a variety of tools to propel your journey of self-development and improve leader readiness.

Driving Change. As leaders, it’s our role to leave organizations and teams better than when we arrived. Often easier said than done, real change requires intentional actions and a well-developed plan. Listen to this podcast to explore failures often made when working to lead change.

What’s on your NOT-to-do list? Effective Army leaders implement actions and behaviors to inspire and influence others to accomplish the mission and improve their organization. This article from senior NCOs tells us what behaviors to avoid in that pursuit.


Prepare For Tomorrow [Content to Improve Your Organization]


When adversity arises, your team looks to you. Incorporating the 4 fundamental Agile values will help you become a leader who builds great teams and continuously improves. Read on to learn more about the framework that can improve your team’s ability to operate effectively amid uncertainty.

Why reinvent the wheel? This thought-provoking article explores when and why leaders should strive to drive change despite short term leadership assignments.

People listen to the talk, and then they watch the walk. Setting the example is so foundational to earning respect and achieving high standards that it’s the first of the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership described in this great read.

Rethinking how we teach, grow, and empower our NCOs. Promotion criteria, training processes, and developmental activities are just a few topics explored in this op-ed based on insights from observations and feedback.

Learn Always [Content to Help You Think]


Six Lessons from the war in Iraq. Listen to part 2 of the Social Science of War podcast to learn more about lessons learned post combat operations.

NEW! ADP 3-13 serves as the Army's foundational doctrine for information. This video provides a comprehensive overview and explanation of the doctrine presented in the new publication.

You can improve decision-making with deliberate practice. The Command & General Staff College uses a wargame designed by students, Major’s Gambit, which drives practice of coup d’oeil – the ability to make timely, effective decisions on the battlefield. Available to DOD affiliated institutions. Learn more by emailing this contact.

Get Involved [Opportunities for YOU to Drive Change]


The time to write is right now! With a renewed focus on Army professional writing, authoring a book review is a less intimidating way to start. Check out this article for in-depth guidance on writing book reviews for military journals.

Don’t Know Where to Start? Check out these writing prompts from the NCO Journal.

Quick Reminder. The DePuy Writing Contest closes 19 July 2024. This year’s topic is “The Russia-Ukraine” War.

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